How Much Compensation is Available to Individuals with SIRVA?
October 31, 2016 |
Shoulder injuries related to vaccine administration (SIRVA) are a growing concern for individuals and families who choose to vaccinate; and, as awareness of SIRVA grows, more patients who experience shoulder pain following their vaccinations are seeking to enforce their right to financial compensation. However, pursuing a claim for SIRVA compensation is not easy. The federal Health Resources and Services Administration (HRSA) recommends that you hire an attorney, and one of the first steps toward pursuing a claim is to gain a clear picture of your physical, financial and emotional harm.
The Link Between Vaccinations and Shoulder Injuries
October 26, 2016 |
While many people have questions about vaccine safety, few realize that one of the greatest dangers associated with getting vaccinated involves not the vaccine itself, but rather the risk of an error during the vaccine administration process. In hospitals, doctor’s offices, pharmacies, schools and other vaccination centers around the country, these administration errors too-often leave adults and children alike suffering from serious injuries.